Unpacking Tuples in C++14

Posted on February 28, 2016

C++11 in­tro­duced tu­ples to the C++ stan­dard li­brary. As the doc­u­men­ta­tion says they offer a fixed-size col­lec­tion of het­ero­ge­neous values. Un­for­tu­nately, tu­ples can be a little bit tricky to deal with in a generic fash­ion. The C++14 stan­dard in­tro­duced a few fea­tures that greatly re­duce the nec­es­sary boil­er­plate. In this post I will dis­cuss how to deal with tu­ples with very com­pact code.

If you would like to follow along you can find the code ex­am­ples on GitHub. Build in­struc­tions can be found in the Readme file.

In­tro­ducing Tu­ples

The dif­fi­culty with tu­ples in C++ is that they can only be in­dexed at com­pile time. The stan­dard li­brary func­tion get ac­cepts the index as a tem­plate pa­ra­meter (i.e. at com­pile time) and re­turns a ref­er­ence to the value at that in­dex. The index has to be a con­stant ex­pres­sion. It cannot be dy­nam­i­cally gen­er­ated as e.g. in a for-loop. Fur­ther­more, since tu­ples can have het­ero­ge­neous values and C++ is a sta­t­i­cally typed lan­guage there is no way to dy­nam­i­cally it­erate over the values in a generic tu­ple. We wouldn’t know their types.

    tuple<int, bool, char> t = make_tuple(1, true, 'a');

    int  n = get<0>(t); // ok
    bool b = get<1>(t); // ok
    char c = get<2>(t); // ok

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        get<i>(t); // error: `i` is not `constexpr`

The problem can be cir­cum­vented by ex­ploiting vari­adic tem­plates, and pa­ra­meter pack ex­pan­sion. A fea­ture that was also in­tro­duced in C++11. It al­lows to, in a way, it­erate over tuple el­e­ments at com­pile time. First, we need to de­fine a type that can hold a pa­ra­meter pack of in­dices for a given tu­ple.

template <size_t... Is>
struct index_sequence;

Next, we can use pa­ra­meter pack ex­pan­sion to index into a generic tu­ple.

template <class Tuple, size_t... Is>
void function(Tuple t, index_sequence<Is...>) {
    some_func( get<Is>(t)... );

Which would call some_func with the tu­ple’s el­e­ments un­packed into its ar­gu­ment list.

What’s left is to con­struct an index_sequence that con­tains the ap­pro­priate pa­ra­meter pack of in­dices. The C++14 stan­dard in­tro­duced make_index_sequence for that pur­pose. Be­fore that C++ pro­gram­mers had to im­ple­ment it them­selves or pick one of the many im­ple­men­ta­tions avail­able on the In­ter­net. E.g. this \(O(\log(N))\) im­ple­men­ta­tion on Stack Over­flow.

Im­ple­menting Func­tions on Tu­ples

With all these tools avail­able in the stan­dard-li­brary we can stop wor­ry­ing, go ahead, and play with tu­ples to our heart’s con­tent.

Sup­pose we wanted to im­ple­ment a func­tion that takes an ar­bi­trary tuple and re­turns a new tuple that holds the first N el­e­ments of the orig­inal tu­ple. Let’s call it take_front. Since tu­ples have fixed size the pa­ra­meter N will have to be a tem­plate pa­ra­me­ter.

template <class Tuple, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto take_front_impl(Tuple t,
                               index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return make_tuple(get<Is>(t)...);

template <size_t N, class Tuple>
constexpr auto take_front(Tuple t) {
    return take_front_impl(t, make_index_sequence<N>{});

The func­tion take_front_impl takes the input tuple and an index_sequence. As be­fore that second pa­ra­meter is only there so that we can get our hands on a pa­ra­meter pack of in­dices. We then use these in­dices to get the el­e­ments of the input tuple and pass them to make_tuple which will con­struct the re­sult. How­ever, at that point we haven’t ac­tu­ally de­fined, yet, which el­e­ments should be put into that new tu­ple. This hap­pens within take_front, which con­structs an index-se­quence con­sisting of the in­dices 0 to N-1 and passes it to take_front_impl.

We can use that func­tion like so.

    auto t = take_front<2>(make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4));
    assert(t == make_tuple(1, 2));

At this point I should men­tion that all the code in this ar­ticle is op­ti­mized for read­abil­ity. In pro­duc­tion code you would prob­ably want to qualify mem­bers of the std name­space, and use per­fect for­warding. You should also be aware that the func­tion make_tuple ap­plies non-trivial trans­for­ma­tions to its ar­gu­ments, such as con­verting ref­er­ences to values and reference_wrapper to ref­er­ences.

With that out of the way, let’s im­ple­ment an­other func­tion on tu­ples. A very useful func­tion that we might want to im­ple­ment is apply. It takes a tuple and a callable and calls the callable with the el­e­ments of the tuple as ar­gu­ments. It could for ex­ample be used in the fol­lowing way.

    auto x = apply(make_tuple(1, 2), plus<>{}); 
    assert(x == 3);

The im­ple­men­ta­tion uses the same trick as take_front be­fore. We con­struct a pa­ra­meter pack of in­te­gers and use a helper func­tion to ex­tract all the tuple el­e­ments.

template <class Tuple, class F, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto apply_impl(Tuple t, F f,
                          index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return f(get<Is>(t)...);

template <class Tuple, class F>
constexpr auto apply(Tuple t, F f) {
    return apply_impl(
        t, f, make_index_sequence<tuple_size<Tuple>{}>{});

This func­tion is ac­tu­ally part of the li­brary fun­da­men­tals tech­nical spec­i­fi­ca­tion. Note, how­ever, that I swapped the order of the ar­gu­ments. It’s a matter of taste but I prefer callable ar­gu­ments in the end of the pa­ra­meter list be­cause it al­lows for more read­able in-line lambda de­f­i­n­i­tions.

Don’t Split Your Func­tions

Both of the above func­tions take_front, and apply are im­ple­mented using the same pat­tern. We first call make_index_sequence to con­struct an index_sequence which holds a pa­ra­meter pack of in­dices. Then we call a helper func­tion that ac­cesses and un­packs that pa­ra­meter pack. Un­for­tu­nately, this splits the func­tion’s body in two pieces which makes the code harder to read. It is often said that pat­terns hint at a missing lan­guage fea­ture. One could argue that the in­ability to create and im­me­di­ately un­pack pa­ra­meter packs in the same place is a lacking lan­guage fea­ture. How­ever, here I want to dis­cuss how to, at least, lo­calize that pat­tern such that we don’t need to de­fine helper func­tions out­side of scope.

C++14 in­tro­duced an­other great fea­ture, namely, vari­adic lamb­das. That fea­ture al­lows to de­fine a lambda that be­haves like a vari­adic tem­plate func­tion. For ex­ample the fol­lowing lambda re­turns the smallest ab­solute value of all given pa­ra­me­ters.

    auto minabs = [](auto... xs) {
        return min({abs(xs)...});

    assert(1 == minabs(-1, 2, -3));

This im­ple­men­ta­tion uses the ini­tial­izer list over­load of min.

Now, how could we use vari­adic lambdas to avoid the *_impl pat­tern from above? A first, naive, ap­proach fol­lows. First, we try to sep­a­rate the idea of con­structing an index se­quence in one place and un­packing it in an­other.

template <class F, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto index_apply_impl(F f,
                                index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return f(Is...);

template <size_t N, class F>
constexpr auto index_apply(F f) {
    return index_apply_impl(f, make_index_sequence<N>{});

The func­tion index_apply ex­pects a callable and passes it to a helper func­tion along­side a pa­ra­meter pack of in­dices from 0 to N-1. That helper func­tion then passes these in­dices as ar­gu­ments to the callable. We could now try to im­ple­ment take_front as fol­lows.

template <size_t N, class Tuple>
constexpr auto take_front(Tuple t) {
    return index_apply<N>([&](auto... Is) {
        return make_tuple(get<Is>(t)...);

This al­ready looks very promis­ing. We have elim­i­nated the need for a spe­cific helper func­tion and can in­stead rely on one gen­eral helper for (hope­fully) all cases. How­ever, un­for­tu­nately, that code will not com­pile. The get tem­plate takes the index as a tem­plate pa­ra­me­ter. Tem­plate pa­ra­me­ters can only be con­stant ex­pres­sions. How­ever, the ar­gu­ments Is... to the lambda are or­di­nary (run-time) values of type size_t. There­fore, we cannot use them as tem­plate pa­ra­me­ters.

For­tu­nately, there is an easy way around that prob­lem. The stan­dard li­brary de­fines the tem­plate class integral_constant which en­cap­su­lates a static con­stant of a spec­i­fied type. Since it car­ries its value in a tem­plate pa­ra­meter that value is a con­stant ex­pres­sion that can also be used as a pa­ra­meter to other tem­plates. Con­ve­niently, it also de­fines an im­plicit constexpr con­ver­sion op­er­ator such that we can use an integral_constant ob­ject in most places where we need a con­stant ex­pres­sion of the cor­re­sponding value type. With this little helper we can im­ple­ment index_apply as fol­lows.

template <class F, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto index_apply_impl(F f,
                                index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return f(integral_constant<size_t, Is> {}...);

template <size_t N, class F>
constexpr auto index_apply(F f) {
    return index_apply_impl(f, make_index_sequence<N>{});

This, fi­nally, al­lows us to im­ple­ment take_front, and apply without the need for any fur­ther helper func­tions.

template <size_t N, class Tuple>
constexpr auto take_front(Tuple t) {
    return index_apply<N>([&](auto... Is) {
        return make_tuple(get<Is>(t)...);

template <class Tuple, class F>
constexpr auto apply(Tuple t, F f) {
    return index_apply<tuple_size<Tuple>{}>(
        [&](auto... Is) { return f(get<Is>(t)...); });

Both func­tions call index_apply, spec­i­fying how many el­e­ments we want to ex­tract. Then they pass a vari­adic lambda that ex­pects a pa­ra­meter pack of in­dices. These in­dices are passed as in­stances of integral_constant. There­fore, they can be used right away as a tem­plate ar­gu­ment to get.

A Few More Ex­am­ples

Now that we have index_apply let’s write two more func­tions on tu­ples with its help. First, let’s write a func­tion that takes a tuple and re­turns a new tuple that con­tains the orig­inal tu­ple’s el­e­ments in re­versed or­der.

template <class Tuple>
constexpr auto reverse(Tuple t) {
    return index_apply<tuple_size<Tuple>{}>(
        [&](auto... Is) {
            return make_tuple(
                get<tuple_size<Tuple>{} - 1 - Is>(t)...);

That func­tion is nearly iden­tical to tuple_front just that this time we take the full length, and count the in­dices that we pass to get back­wards.

    auto t = reverse(make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4));
    assert(t == make_tuple(4, 3, 2, 1));

Now, let’s move on to a more com­plex ex­am­ple. We will write a func­tion that takes an ar­bi­trary number of tu­ples and re­turns a tuple of tu­ples, where the first con­tains all the first el­e­ments of the input tu­ples, the second all the second el­e­ments, and so on. We’ll call this func­tion zip. We also specify that when called with zero ar­gu­ments it just re­turns an empty tu­ple. If the tu­ples are of dif­fering length then we will crop all in­puts to match the shortest one. All in all we ex­pect zip to ful­fill the fol­lowing as­ser­tions.

    assert(make_tuple() = zip());

    auto t1 = zip( make_tuple(1, 2),
                   make_tuple(3, 4),
                   make_tuple(5, 6) );
    assert(t1 == make_tuple( make_tuple(1, 3, 5),
                             make_tuple(2, 4, 6) ));

    auto t2 = zip( make_tuple(1, 2, 3),
                   make_tuple(4) );
    assert(t2 == make_tuple( make_tuple(1, 4) ));

It would also make sense to im­ple­ment the func­tion transpose in terms of zip, which takes a tuple of tu­ples, in­ter­prets it like a ma­trix, and re­turns a trans­posed tuple of tu­ples.

template <class Tuple>
constexpr auto transpose(Tuple t) {
    return apply(t, [](auto... ts) { return zip(ts...); });

How could we im­ple­ment zip? There are a few things that we need. First, we need the length of the shortest tu­ple. For that pur­pose we can use min again.

    constexpr size_t len = min({tuple_size<Tuples>{}...});

Where we used the fact that min is a constexpr func­tion since C++14.

Next, we need to find a way to go through every tuple and every tu­ple’s el­e­ments si­mul­ta­ne­ously. Un­for­tu­nately, the fol­low­ing, naive, im­ple­men­ta­tion will not com­pile.

template <class... Tuples>
constexpr auto zip(Tuples... ts) {
    constexpr size_t len = min({tuple_size<Tuples>{}...});
    return index_apply<len>([&](auto... Is) {
        return make_tuple(make_tuple(get<Is>(ts)...)...);

We somehow need to nest two pa­ra­meter pack ex­pan­sions. How­ever, in the above code it is am­biguous which pack to ex­pand first. In­stead of taking a guess for us the com­piler will (thank­fully) simply refuse to ac­cept this code.

We can cir­cum­vent that problem by split­ting the task in two. We can think of the re­sult as a tuple of rows where each row con­tains the I-th el­e­ments of all input tu­ples. For each row the index is fixed. The outer tuple then con­tains all those rows. In code that reads as fol­lows.

template <class... Tuples>
constexpr auto zip(Tuples... ts) {
    constexpr size_t len = min({tuple_size<Tuples>{}...});
    auto row =
        [&](auto I) { return make_tuple(get<I>(ts)...); };
    return index_apply<len>(
        [&](auto... Is) { return make_tuple(row(Is)...); });

The lambda row con­structs a single row of I-th el­e­ments of all tu­ples. To that end it takes one integral_constant as an ar­gu­ment and uses it to ex­tract one el­e­ment from each tu­ple. Within index_apply we then con­struct a tuple of all rows.

Fi­nally, to handle the empty case we simply pro­vide the fol­lowing over­load.

constexpr auto zip() { return make_tuple(); }

With that we have im­ple­mented zip to the spec­i­fi­ca­tion above.


In this ar­ticle we saw how to re­duce the boil­er­plate when ex­tracting el­e­ments out of generic tu­ples. The pre­sented pat­tern al­lows to write the full im­ple­men­ta­tion of a func­tion that deals with generic pat­terns in one place without having to re­sort to ex­ternal helper func­tions.

If you have any com­ments, thoughts, or crit­i­cism please leave a com­ment. In any case I hope you en­joyed the ar­ti­cle. Thanks for read­ing!